Investigations into the technology of the production of anodic finishes and their properties leading to the development of a new model of anodic coating formation on aluminium

  • Arthur W Brace

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Science


[DSc thesis] In the course of my career I have acquired an international reputation for my knowledge of the theory and practice of anodizing aluminium, culminating in the development of a new theoretical model of anodic coating formation. Anodic Coating Defects In the 1950's anodizing was a relatively small scale specialised process, mainly used by the aircraft industJy. The period 1960-90 was one of a very large expansion internationally of the production of anodized aluminium. Most of the entrants were new to anodizing. so that as an independent consultant I acquired considerable knowledge of the causes of anodic coating defects.
Date of AwardMar 2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University

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