Low-cost interrogation of optical fibre Bragg grating sensors

  • Andrew Stuart Main

    Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


    Through the application of novel signal processing techniques we are able to measure physical measurands with both high accuracy and low noise susceptibility. The first interrogation scheme is based upon a CCD spectrometer. We compare different algorithms for resolving the Bragg wavelength from a low resolution discrete representation of the reflected spectrum, and present optimal processing methods for providing a high integrity measurement from the reflection image. Our second sensing scheme uses a novel network of sensors to measure the distributive strain response of a mechanical system. Using neural network processing methods we demonstrate the measurement capabilities of a scalable low-cost fibre Bragg grating sensor network. This network has been shown to be comparable with the performance of existing fibre Bragg grating sensing techniques, at a greatly reduced implementation cost.
    Date of Award2007
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Aston University
    SupervisorDavid Webb (Supervisor)


    • signal processing techniques
    • noise susceptibility
    • Bragg wavelength
    • optimal processing methods
    • network of sensors
    • neural network processing
    • scalable low-cost fibre
    • Bragg grating sensor network

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