Making Knowledge Management in Projects Viable

  • Gary R. Preece

Student thesis: Master's ThesisMaster of Science (by Research)


Given the increasing prominence of project-based working, it is important for the many organisations that employ them to understand how to get the best out of their project teams. This research assists organisations in doing this by offering help to organisations to improve the effectiveness of knowledge management in their project teams. In order to do this, this research makes a theoretical contribution by extending the viable system model to encompass the project level of organisations, which is then employed to analyse knowledge management at the project level of two organisations. From this analysis, a number of barriers and enablers are identified, which leads to the development of practical advice for organisations to take to improve the effectiveness of their project teams.
Date of AwardSept 2007
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University


  • Knowledge management
  • project teams
  • systems thinking
  • viable system model

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