Melamine phosphate as a component of intumescent coatings

  • Michael Kay

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


Melamine orthophosphate has been shown to exhibit variations in its chemical constitution, and crystal shape and size, dependent upon the method of production. These crystal types have been incorporated with epoxy resin to produce intumescent coatings, which have been tested on a small scale fire testing device, designed and calibrated within this project. The factors influencing performance in three fire test regimes are the percentage loading of melamine phosphate, its chemical constitution, crystal size and shape, thermal degradation, and state of agglomeration . and dispersion in the coating, determined by the method of incorporation into the coating. When melamine phosphate is heat treated at 210ºC, a process designed to reduce its solubility, the performance of coatings produced with such material is profoundly affected, depending mainly on crystal size and shape alone. Consideration of heat transfer across the chars produced has allowed a quantitative evaluation of the thermal resistance of chars throughout a test. An optimum production route for melamine phosphate has been suggested, taking into account the requirements for weatherability of coatings as well as performance in a fire.
Date of Award1980
Original languageEnglish


  • melamine phosphate
  • component
  • intumescent coatings
  • fire testing
  • fire protection
  • intumescence

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