Microcomputers for civil engineering consultancy in developing countries

  • A.E. Callcott

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


The civil engineering industry generally regards new methods and
technology with a high amount of scepticism, preferring to use
traditional and trusted methods. During the 1980s competition for
civil engineering consultancy work in the world has become fierce.
Halcrow recognised the need to maintain and improve their competitive edge over other consultants. The use of new technology in the form of
microcomputers was seen to be one method to maintain and improve their repuation in the world. This thesis examines the role of microcomputers in civil
engineering consultancy with particular reference to overseas
projects. The involvement of civil engineers with computers, both past and present, has been investigated and a survey of the use of microcomputers by consultancies was carried out, the results are presented and analysed. A resume of the state-of-the-art of microcomputer technology was made. Various case studies were carried out in order to examine the feasibility of using microcomputers on overseas projects. One case study involved the examination of two projects in Bangladesh and is used to illustrate the requirements and problems encountered in such situations. Two programming applications were undertaken, a dynamic programming model of a single site reservoir and the simulation of the
Bangladesh gas grid system. A cost-benefit analysis of a water
resources project using microcomputers in the Aguan Valley, Honduras was carried out.
Although the initial cost of microcomputers is often small, the
overall costs can prove to be very high and are likely to exceed the
costs of traditional computer methods. A planned approach for the use of microcomputers is essential in order to reap the expected benefits and recommendations for the implementation of such an approach are presented.
Date of Award1985
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University
SupervisorJohn Elgy (Supervisor)


  • civil engineering consultancy
  • microcomputers in civil engineering
  • microcomputer selection
  • overseas projects

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