Pulse Time-Code Modulation System

  • Michael G. Mountis

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


In conventional systems of pulse-code modulation (PCM), the signal is sampled at a constant frequency, and pulse groups representing the signal amplitude are transmitted. The sampling frequency has to be related to the highest frequency in the signal; consequently, the sampling frequency is higher than is necessary during those times when the signal contains low frequencies resulting in the under-utilization of the transmission bandwidth.

A new system has been developed, "PULSE TIME-CODE MODULATION" (PTCM) in which the sampling frequency is varied to suit the requirements of the signal. As a result, the number of samples to be transmitted over a period is reduced and a narrower bandwidth can be used. In the system investigated, a time delay of the signal is inevitably introduced and this may be a disadvantage in some applications.
Date of Award1978
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University


  • pulse time-code modulation system

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