Quality control in Midland industry

  • S.C. Wong

Student thesis: Master's ThesisMaster of Philosophy


The aim of this project is to study the practical techni-~
ques and theoretical treatments of quality control in the Nidland
industries. It involves a survey and analysis of the methods of
achieving and maintaining quality and reliability in the products
of Midlands! manufacturing companies. The effectiveness of various
techniques of quality control is also assessed.

To achieve these objectives, various industries were
selected and were classified into groups of homogeneous product.
The survey was divided into three phases and consisted of a
discussion with the top management, a tour of the plant and the
completion of a questionaire.

brief literature survey of quality control achievement in
various countries all over the world was carried out. This provides
a possibility of comparing with the data obtained from the
industrial visits.

The data obtained during the survey was confirmed by personal contact. The analysis of these data provides a clear view of the
actual situation of quality control in the Midland industries.
They will provide a useful reference for all industries in the
Midlands with regards to quality improvement.

One of the most striking problems in quality control is
the quality of the bought out component. It is thus necessary
for the supplier to ensure that the incoming components conform
to the specification required, The establishment of a National Quality Mark is suggested. The transformation of Statistical
Quality Control to the more effective Total Quality Control System
is essential. The implementation of new advanced technology such
as computer control system and system engineering techniques are
also recommended.

On the whole, quality control has been well performed and
great achievements have bean Woeeamed in the Midland industries.
Further development of quality control activity will certainly
lead into another new era in the history of industrial development
in the Midland industries.
Date of Award1973
Original languageEnglish


  • quality control
  • Midland industry

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