Some analytical aspects of sampling plans

  • James D. Morrison

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


This thesis reports on the results of the analyses of certain aspects of sampling inspection plans. The investigation has been confined to attributes (as distinct
from variables) plans and in this respect.the analyses have been concerned with two main aspects of single and double plans. These are:-
(i) the Average Outgoing Quality Limit (AOQL) of the plan.
(ii) the Average Sample Number (ASN) of the plan.
In the former connection the investigation has been concerned with the evaluation of the AOQL analytically and the determination of the fraction defective of the incoming material to give the AOQL. The analyses have been applied to both single and double sampling plans,
In the latter connection the investigation has been concerned with the evaluation of the maximum ASN analytically and the determination of the fraction defective of the incoming material to give the maximum value of ASN. The analyses have been confined only to double sampling plans because in the case of single sampling the ASN is constant and is equal to n, the sample size.
Date of AwardJan 1974
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University
SupervisorR.H. Thornley (Supervisor)


  • analytical aspects
  • sampling plans

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