Studies in Deblurring, with Special Reference to Computer Simulation

  • Jeremy C. Davies

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


The process of deconvolution is studied by coherent, non-coherent and numerical techniques. Computer simulations have been used to model the operation of coherent systems using different types of spatial filters, and the effects of Gaussian distributed random noise added to the amplitude and phase of the components are presented. This has led, via statistical analysis of the simulated recovered images, to a re-assessment of the LMSE optimum deconvolution filter. The effects of filter mis registration and the use of a filter mis-matched to the system convolute are also modelled by computer, and filter amplitude quantization errors are studied in terms of their impulse responses. Using a non-coherent optical system a new method of deconvolution is described and experimental results of the deconvolution of a dilute object and a Gaussian blurring function are presented.
Date of AwardAug 1976
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University


  • deblurring
  • computer simulation

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