The design and evaluation of distributed virtual environment to support learning in global operations management

  • Tunyawat Somjaitaweeporn

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


The primary goal of this research is to design and develop an education technology to support learning in global operations management. The research implements a series of studies to determine the right balance among user requirements, learning methods and applied technologies, on a view of student-centred learning. This research is multidisciplinary by nature, involving topics from various disciplines such as global operations management, curriculum and contemporary learning theory, and computer aided learning. Innovative learning models that emphasise on technological implementation are employed and discussed throughout this research.
Date of Award2010
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University
SupervisorDouglas M Love (Supervisor)


  • global operations management
  • learning support system
  • distributed learning environment
  • computer aided training
  • virtual world technology

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