The Fate of Folic Acid and Related Compounds in the Rat

  • Eric Dransfield

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


The physiological disposition and metabolism of :
folates was studied by purification, characterisation and
specific radioactivity determinations of compounds derived
from oral doses of labelled folates.

At doses of 22 and 320ug of pteroyl-L-glutamic acid/
kg, 50 and 25% respectively was absorbed, With doses of
320ug of [214-C]pteroyl-L-glutamic acid/kg, radioactivity
was detected in the peripheral circulation 10 minutes after
administration. Pteroyl-L-glutemic acid was absorbed
without metabolism and was present in systemic blood for
up to 4 hours after administration.

With doses of pteroyl-L-glutamic acid from 3.1 to
56ug/kg approximately 6% of the dose was excreted in 24
hours; whilst at 320ug/kg 30% was excreted mainly in the
2 to 4 hour period.

Three urinary folates were isolated. One sf the major
metabolites was 5-methyltetrahydro-pteroylglutamic acid.
The others were unidentified but were not pteroylglutamic
acid, 7,8-dihydro-, 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-, 5- or 10-formyltetrahydro-,
5,10~methylidyne-tetrahydro-, 5,formimidoyltetrahydro-,
5-methyltetrahydro-pteroylglutamic acid, nor any
decomposition products of these compounds formed during
isolation. Labelled unconjugated pteridines were absent.

Six hours after administration of pteroyl-L-glutamic
acid, more than seven labelled compounds were isolated
from liver homogenates. Extractions performed up to 10
days after administration or after prior starvation only conjugates, 5-methyltetrahydro~pteroylglutamate was the
major monoglutamate and represented 10% of the total
hepatic folates.

The physiological disposition of the natural
diastereoisomer of 5-methyltetrahydro-pteroylglutamate was
similar to that of pteroylglutamate. At a dose of 84u¢/keg,
80% of the urinary folates was 5-methyltetrahydropteroylglutamate,
but at lower doses a greater proportion
was present as metabolites.

The major unidentified metabolite excreted after
pteroylglutamic acid administration showed a similar
absorption and excretion pattern to 5-methyltetrahydropteroylglutamic
acid and was metabolised to

The results are discussed with reference to the
nutritional, metabolic and clinical importance of folates
in previous work.
Date of Award1972
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University


  • folic acid
  • related compounds
  • rat

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