The single axis d.c. machine as a control system element

  • R.C. Johnson

    Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


    The interaction between the direct- axis flux and quad- rature-axis flux, which is brought about by magnetic saturation, makes the prediction of machine transient performance a difficult proposition. This factor was treated as having prime importance, but other non-linearities were considered as well, in developing
    the mathematical model of the machine.

    The model was treated as a multi- variable non-linear control system for analysis by numerical methods. Results from the analysis indicate that a reasonably accurate prediction of performance was obtained over a wide range of initial conditions.

    A method was then evolved, using a hill climbing technique, which enabled prediction of the control strategy required to optimise to a desired transient performance.
    Date of AwardApr 1969
    Original languageEnglish


    • electrical engineering
    • d.c. machine
    • single axis
    • direct current

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