The use of expert manpower in health and safety in France

  • Sebti Chaabane

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


The thesis examines the system of occupational health and safety in France. It analyses the use of expert manpower in the field with a view to establishing the possibility of a profession in health and safety.
An input-output model is developed to bring together the necessary elements of prevention of accidents and occupational diseases. The
role of institutions concerned with health and safety is analysed with reference to this model. The research establishes the need for a health and safety specialist role. The recognition and status of this role are found to be subject to other criteria
including the acceptance by institutions of such a specialist role. The model is also used to define the role of this specialist as expected by the various institutions intervening in the field.
Date of AwardJul 1985
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorAndrew R. Hale (Supervisor)


  • occupational health and safety
  • expert manpower
  • professional role
  • input-output model

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