Challenges and opportunities for reverse logistics initiatives in the automotive industry

Breno Nunes, David Bennett, Duncan Shaw, João Quariguasi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication


This paper investigates the main strategies automotive companies adopt to address the issue of dealing with end-of-life vehicles and spare parts. Furthermore, it investigates the reasons behind take-back strategies, i.e how and why automotive companies undertake initiatives in reverse logistics. The research findings indicate that companies are trying to respond to the end-of-life legislation based on cost-effective approaches as well as corporate environmental responsibility. Outsourcing is used when expertise is found to extract value from scrap and there is cooperation with suppliers and vendors to facilitate the dismantling of cars and recycling of parts.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOperations strategy and performance
Subtitle of host publicationproceedings of 18th International Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association
EditorsM. Holweg, J.S. Srai
Place of PublicationCambridge (UK)
PublisherUniversity of Cambridge
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)978-1-902546-94-0
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Event18th International Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association - Cambridge, United Kingdom
Duration: 3 Jul 20116 Jul 2011


Conference18th International Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • automotive industry
  • reverse logistics
  • end-of-life
  • environmental management


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  • Sustaining local manufacturing: a longitudinal study of Swedish companies

    Winroth, M., Abid, M., Almgren, B., Bennett, D. & Nunes, B., 2011, Operations strategy and performance: proceedings of 18th International Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association. Holweg, M. & Srai, J. S. (eds.). Cambridge (UK): University of Cambridge, 9 p. STR32-0248

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication

    Open Access

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