Indicators for professional growth for health care specialists: Face-to-face supervision

Vasilia Kountoura, Ioannis Agaliotis, Ariadne Loutrari, Hariklia Proios*

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We explored patterns of supervisor-supervisee interactions in face-to-face supervisory conference, drawing upon theoretical constructs from Rogerian-Penman psychology. Theoretical constructs targeted in the analysis include: tallying responses according to specific subcategories i.e., seeking solutions, descriptions, identification, and resolutions. Structure and source of information include manifest/latent and power/involvement, as well as stages of professional development for the supervisee. “Before and after” supervisory conference goals are established for two students in special education. Face-to-face conversations, subsequent transcriptions, and written conversational analysis of video conferences of supervisors and supervisees are presented. The results of our study indicate hallmarks of a more sensitive analysis for the evaluation of face-to-face supervision, i.e., the source of information discussed in relation to the first supervision conference corresponded to 63% opinion. Results indicate that the practitioner progressed from the stage of “Stagnation” to that of “Confusion.” Additionally, the supervisor needed to be more “Catalytic” as evidenced by the use of 16% Resolutions and 30% Seeking Solutions. We elaborate on the analysis and the indicators for professional development that were identified. Such analysis offers a practical approach based on established theoretical frameworks in an effort to provide insights into professional growth and the supervisory relationship.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1958–1967
Number of pages10
JournalCurrent Psychology
Issue number4
Early online date14 Jan 2019
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2021


  • Development
  • Indicators
  • Rogerian- Penman psychology
  • Supervisory relationship


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