Peer mentoring works! How peer mentoring enhances student success in Higher Education: evaluation toolkit

Jane Andrews, Robin Clark, Kim Davies

Research output: Other contribution


This toolkit, published by the HEA, provides colleagues across the Sector with the practical and methodological tools to empirically evaluate peer mentoring and tutoring.

This evaluation kit provides two data collection tools that may be adopted and adapted to meet institutional requirements.

The first of these is a survey, developed out of the original survey used in the Peer Mentoring Works Project. Some questions have been added as a result of reflexive application of colleagues and students input as the project has progressed.

The second part of the toolkit comprises a qualitative interview guide. This guide is similar to the one used in the research, but again it has been further developed as a result of the project. It may be adapted for use in focus groups or one-to-one interviews.

The final document within the kit is a sample consent form.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherHigher Education Academy
Number of pages22
Place of PublicationYork (UK)
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jul 2011


  • peer mentoring
  • student support
  • education research


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