Some Aspects of the Solution of Non-linear Differential Equations

  • G.R. Slater

    Student thesis: Master's ThesisMaster of Philosophy


    Nonlinear differential equations can be solved by a
    variety of methods. One such technique is to transform the
    differential equations into a set of algebraic equations.

    The thesis describes the methods available at present
    for solving large systems of algebraic equations. The methods
    described are found to be not to be entirely satisfactory and therefore a new technique
    for solving algebraic equations is presented. The technique
    is specifically developed for solving large systems of
    equations whilst simplifying the computation and minimizing the
    storage requirements,

    Next, a study has been made to provide a suitable
    standard of comparisons between the various methods.

    Finally, an industrial problem is solved using the
    new technique. Comparisons show that the above technique
    provides an adequate solution at reduced computational effort
    Date of Award1972
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Aston University


    • Non linear
    • differntial equations

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