Study of the Fracture and Fatigue Properties of Some Sintered Steels

  • Glenn Andrews

    Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


    There is a general lack of knowledge concerning the measurement and meaning of the fracture toughness of sintered material. This is a major limitation to the promotion of sintered materials for structural purposes. Further, paucity of fatigue data seriously inhibits more widespread use of sintered components.

    This project attempts to clarify some of the difficulties concerning the applicability of fracture toughness, and provide information concerning the effect of various parameters. Included in these letter are density, powder type, composition and treatment.

    An attempt is made to establish which are the major factors influencing fatigue crack initiation and propagation in a low alloy steel in various conditions. A fracture mechanics approach is proposed to enable the derivation of quantitative relationships.
    Date of AwardMay 1976
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Aston University


    • fracture
    • fatigue
    • properties
    • sintered steels

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