The influence of surface active additives on air fuel mixture behaviour and engine exhaust pollutants level

  • Khurshid A. Sheikh

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


The research has been conducted in the field of control of air pollution as produced by an internal combustion - spark ignition engine. The studies involved the behavior of air-fuel and its Its effects on the amount of pollutants emitted. The pollutants studied are hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. The research ·is based on the basic philosophy tha.t the degree of homogeneity of air·-fuel mixture determines the extent of combustion of fuel thus affectinig the amounts of the pollutants emitted. To improve the air·-fuel mixture homogeneity and its distribution among various cylinders four surface active fuel additives have been experimented with. The effects of such additives were observed and recorded both visually and in terms of the emitted concentrations of the pollutants concerned. A. cine·-film of mixture, flowing through two glass tubes mounted between the carburettors and inlet manifold of a twin carburettor engine has been prepared to produce the visual records as to determine the change of flow patterns and the degree of fuel atomisation. Two kinds of fuel - Esso Plus and Reference Gasoline- have been used throughout the present work.. The results thus obtained are correlated and discussed from the point of view of air-fuel mixture behaviour and the amounts of pollutants emitted. The research indicates the role of surface active fuel additives as a potential means of controlling air pollution from motor vehicle engines
Date of Award1973
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University
SupervisorG.V. Jeffreys (Supervisor)


  • surface active additives
  • air fuel mixture behaviour
  • engine exhaust pollutants level

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