The temperature dependence of the electro-optic kerr effect in solutions

  • John H. Robson

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


A novel Kerr cell of greater optical path length and temperature stability has been designed and built. The Kerr effect experimental has been substantially automated using an Apple IIe computer. Software has been written allowing the computer to partially control the Kerr effect equipment and to acquire and analyse the relevant data.The temperature dependent electro-optic Kerr effect of 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline, p-nitroaniline, nitrobenzene, aniline, and toluene as solutions in 1, 4-dioxane has been studied. The Kerr effect measurements combined with dipole moment, depolarisation ratio, dielectric, and electronic polarisation measurements have been used to calculate the first hyperpolarisability of the solute.Although first hyperpolarisabilities for the compounds studied have been measured in various physical states using a variety of experimental techniques, it is gratifying to find that the values presented in this thesis have a linear relationship with values reported by other workers.
Date of Award1993
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University
SupervisorMartin S Beevers (Supervisor)


  • temperature dependence
  • electro-optic kerr effect in solutions

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