Welding mild steel to aluminum and its alloys

  • D.R. Andrews

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


There is an increasing need - in various industries - for a reliable joint between aluminiwn and steel. Part I of this report is concerned with the development of a welding technique to accomplish this.The effects of varying the practical conditions of welding are discussed. The first part of the investigation resulted in the conclusion that a tin, zinc or aluminium coating in the steel provided suitable conditions for a satisfactory joint to be made by means of an inert-gas welding technique. In Part II, a study of the metallurgical considerations related to the use of these metals as buffer coatings, is reviewed. In addition, a section of the work has been directed towards establishing the relationship between bead geometry and weld strength.
Date of Award31 Dec 1966
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University

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