Asthma management : implementation of short-acting beta agonist guidelines in Western Australia: a unique collaboration

Rhonda Clifford, Kim Watkins, Carl Schneider, Peter Kendall, Elizabeth Geelhoed

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: The Respiratory Health Network in Western Australia developed the Asthma Model of Care in 2010 which incorporates best practice guidelines. At the same time short-acting beta agonist guidelines (SABA) were developed by stakeholder consensus at University of Western Australia (UWA) and incorporated the use of an Asthma Action Plan Card.

Objective: To report on the implementation of a key component of the WA Asthma Model of Care, the SABA guidelines that incorporate the Asthma Action Plan card.

Methods: Implementation strategies included lectures, direct pharmacy detailing, media releases, and information packs (postal and electronic). Groups targeted included pharmacists, consumers and medical practitioners.

Results: State-based (n=18) and national (n=6) professional organisations were informed about the launch of the guidelines into practice in WA. In the four-month implementation period more than 47,000 Asthma Action Plan Cards were distributed, primarily to community pharmacies. More than 500 pharmacies were provided with information packs or individual detailing. More than 10,000 consumers were provided with information about the guidelines.

Conclusions and implications: The collaboration of stakeholders in this project allowed for widespread access to various portals which, in turn, resulted in a multifaceted approach in disseminating information. Ongoing maintenance programs are required to sustain and build on the momentum of the implementation program and to ultimately address patient outcomes and practice change, which would be the longer-term goals of such a project. Future research will seek to ascertain the impact of the card on patient outcomes in WA.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)97-102
Number of pages6
JournalAustralian Journal of Pharmacy
Issue number1104
Publication statusPublished - May 2012


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