Categorically speaking: reflecting AEC/FM participants' requirements in Groupware

T.D. O'Reilly, L.M. Waugh, I. Kondratova, J. Lumsden

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication


Groupware allows participants in an AEC/FM project to timely share relevant electronic project information at near real-time speed. One challenge of existing groupware tools is the varying information categorization needs of different AEC/FM project participants within the same groupware environment. This paper introduces initial results of a survey of several AEC/FM companies' project information categorizations. These initial results reveal differences in the ways AEC/FM project participants organize project information within each company. These differences will result in the need for a comprehensive information categorization solution when companies move their organized company specific project information to a project-wide repository in groupware. In the future, as a result of this research, a comprehensive project categorization scheme will be introduced which would allow participant-specific views of the AEC/FM project information to be rendered.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 5th Construction Speciality Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineer s
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2003
Event5th Construction Speciality Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering - Moncton, NB, Canada
Duration: 4 Jun 20037 Jun 2003


Conference5th Construction Speciality Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
CityMoncton, NB


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