Connection design without accurate LV feeder load data: an argument for LV monitoring

James Crouch, Peter Crouch, Dani Strickland

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication


Since privatisation, maintenance of DNO LV feeder maximum demand information has gradually demised in some Utility Areas, and it is postulated that lack of knowledge about 11kV and LV electrical networks is resulting in a less economical and energy efficient Network as a whole. In an attempt to quantify the negative impact, this paper examines ten postulated new connection scenarios for a set of real LV load readings, in order to find the difference in design solutions when LV load readings were and were not known. The load profiles of the substations were examined in order to explore the utilisation profile. It was found that in 70% of the scenarios explored, significant cost differences were found. These cost differences varied by an average of 1000%, between schemes designed with and without load readings. Obviously, over designing a system and therefore operating more, underutilised transformers becomes less financially beneficial and less energy efficient. The paper concludes that new connection design is improved in terms of cost when carried out based on known LV load information and enhances the case for regular maximum feeder demand information and/or metering of LV feeders.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication48th international Universities' Power Engineering Conference (UPEC)
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)978-1-4799-3254-2
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event48th international Universities' Power Engineering Conference - Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 2 Sept 20135 Sept 2013

Publication series

NameOSA technical digest
PublisherOptical Society of America


Conference48th international Universities' Power Engineering Conference
Abbreviated titleUPEC 2013 Dublin


  • distribution networks
  • Maximum Demand Indicators
  • metering
  • network design


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