Fluctuation-driven traffic congestion in a scale-free model of the Internet

Igor V. Yurkevich, Alexander S. Stepanenko, Costas C. Constantinou, Igor V. Lerner

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication


In studies of complex heterogeneous networks, particularly of the Internet, significant attention was paid to analysing network failures caused by hardware faults or overload. There network reaction was modelled as rerouting of traffic away from failed or congested elements. Here we model network reaction to congestion on much shorter time scales when the input traffic rate through congested routes is reduced. As an example we consider the Internet where local mismatch between demand and capacity results in traffic losses. We describe the onset of congestion as a phase transition characterised by strong, albeit relatively short-lived, fluctuations of losses caused by noise in input traffic and exacerbated by the heterogeneous nature of the network manifested in a power-law load distribution. The fluctuations may result in the network strongly overreacting to the first signs of congestion by significantly reducing input traffic along the communication paths where congestion is utterly negligible.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC
EditorsDong-In Kin, Peter Müller
Place of PublicationPiscataway, NJ (US)
Number of pages4
ISBN (Print)978-1-4673-5753-1
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications - Budapest, Hungary
Duration: 9 Jun 201313 Jun 2013


Conference2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications
Abbreviated titleIEEE ICC 2013


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  • Efficient algorithm for routing optimization via statistical mechanics

    Yeung, C. H., 2013, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC. Kin, D.-I. & Müller, P. (eds.). Piscataway, NJ (US): IEEE, p. 1420-1424 5 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication

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