title = "Gabo y Fidel: el paisaje de una amistad",
abstract = "Este libro narra la amistad entre Fidel Castro y Garc{\'i}a M{\'a}rquez y lo que se aportaron el uno al otro. Descubre entresijos de la alta pol{\'i}tica del Caribe, el nacimiento y triunfo del sandinismo y cu{\'a}les son las piezas que mueven el socialismo internacional para combatir el capitalismo. This book recounts the friendship between Fidel Castro and Garcia Marquez and what was provided to each other. Discover the secrets of high politics in the Caribbean, the birth and triumph of the Sandinistas and what are the pieces that move to counter international socialism capitalism.",
keywords = "Fidel Castro, Garcia Marquez, Caribbean, Sandinistas, counter international socialism capitalism, socialismo internacional, combatir el capitalismo",
author = "Stephanie Panichelli and Angel Esteban",
note = "Translations: English: Gabo and Fidel. Portrait of a friendship, NYC, Pegasus Books, 2009 (in press). Portuguese: Gabriel Garc{\'i}a M{\'a}rquez e Fidel Castro. Os segredos de uma amizade. Portugal, Ambar, 2007. Polish: Gabo i Fidel Pejzaz przyjazni, Poland, Miekka, 2006. Japanese and Turkish translations are in progress.",
year = "2004",
month = jan,
day = "1",
language = "Spanish",
isbn = "978-84-670-1263-7",
series = "Espasa Hoy",
publisher = "Espasa Calpe",