Local matters: How neighbourhoods and services affect the social inclusion and exclusion of young people in European cities

Simon Güntner (Editor), Louis Henri Seukwa (Editor), Anne Marie Gehrke (Editor), Jill Robinson (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Search results

  • 2018

    Birmingham: Lozells and east handsworth and Bordesley Green

    Güntner, S. (Editor), Seukwa, L. H. (Editor), Gehrke, A. M. (Editor) & Robinson, J. (Editor), 23 May 2018, Local Matters : How Neighbourhoods and Services Affect the Social Inclusion and Exclusion of Young People in European Cities. Güntner, S., Henri Seukwa, L., Gehrke, A. M. & Robinson, J. (eds.). Verlag Peter Lang AG, p. 89-119

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

  • Conclusions: Mixed signs of transformation between neglect and appreciation

    Gehrke, A. M., Güntner, S., Seukwa, L. H. & Robinson, J., 23 May 2018, Local Matters: How neighbourhoods and services affect the social inclusion and exclusion of young people in European cities. Güntner, S., Seukwa, L. H., Gehrke, A. M. & Robinson, J. (eds.). Verlag Peter Lang AG, p. 330-360

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review