Making Things Happen: Reciprocal Relationships Between Work Characteristics and Personal Initiative in a Four-Wave Longitudinal Structural Equation Model

Michael Frese*, Harry Garst, Doris Fay

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The authors used the frameworks of reciprocal determinism and occupational socialization to study the effects of work characteristics (consisting of control and complexity of work) on personal initiative (PI)-mediated by control orientation (a 2nd-order factor consisting of control aspiration, perceived opportunity for control, and self-efficacy) and the reciprocal effects of PI on changes in work characteristics. They applied structural equation modeling to a longitudinal study with 4 measurement waves (N = 268) in a transitional economy: East Germany. Results confirm the model plus 1 additional, nonhypothesized effect. Work characteristics had a synchronous effect on PI via control orientation (full mediation). There were also effects of control orientation and of PI on later changes in work characteristics: As predicted, PI functioned as partial mediator, changing work characteristics in the long term (reciprocal effect); unexpectedly, there was a 2nd reciprocal effect of an additional lagged partial mediation of control orientation on later work characteristics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1084-1102
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of Applied Psychology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2007


  • job characteristics
  • personal initiative
  • reciprocal relationship
  • self-efficacy
  • transition economy


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