Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit - MAMT

Umar Manzoor*, Bassam Zafar

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Multi-agent system consists of two or more agents which cooperate/coordinate with each other in order to solve a complex problem which would be difficult or inappropriate if solved by single agent. Multi-agents are modeled using Agent Unified Modeling Language (AUML) as Unified Modeling Language (UML) notations do not fully express agent properties/behaviors. In this paper, we have proposed Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit (MAMT) to help a designer in building rapid multi-agent based applications. The purpose of this toolkit is to create agent development environment where the developer can have various facilities like reusability of existing/developed agents, customize built-in agents, etc. MAMT provides the designer with built-in agents which are developed using Java Agent Development (JADE) framework, with the help of these designers can rapidly build multi-agent based applications. Creation and customization of built-in agents is based on the prototype inclusion design pattern and the designer can add or modify methods/behaviors according to their requirement(s); however the changes should be based on FIPA (Foundation of Intelligent Physical Agents) standards and compatible with JADE. MAMT has been evaluated on large number of sample applications; results were very promising and encourage the use of toolkit.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)215-227
    JournalSimulation modelling practice and theory
    Early online date21 Oct 2014
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2014


    • Agent modeling
    • Agent reusability
    • AUML to Jade Code
    • Built-in agent repository
    • Multi-agent rapid development


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