The mediatization of femicide: a corpus-based study on the representation of gendered violence in Italian media

Lucia Busso, Claudia Roberta Combei, Ottavia Tordini

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This methodological study deploys hybrid techniques to investigate how femicide is framed
    in media. Results are consistent with ISTAT data and with the literature, and also offer novel
    insights. We find a tendency of not holding offenders accountable; that most femicides are
    perpetrated by men that victims know well; and that mediatic discourse around such crimes
    increases in certain circumstances and moments of the year. The analysis of the docu-fiction
    Amore Criminale reveals that metaphors are frequently used to sketch the participants’ sociopsychological portraits. Iconic speech and gestures are frequently employed by interviewees to
    report and mime episodes of violence.

    Questo studio propone un metodo ibrido per indagare la rappresentazione linguistica del femminicidio nei media italiani. I risultati sono coerenti con i dati ISTAT e con la letteratura, e
    offrono nuovi spunti di riflessione. Si riscontra: una tendenza a deresponsabilizzare i colpevoli;
    che la maggior parte dei delitti sono compiuti da uomini vicini a esse; e che su tali delitti i media
    si concentrano in specifiche circostanze e momenti dell’anno. L’analisi sulla docu-fiction Amore
    Criminale rivela che per delineare ritratti sociopsicologici di vittime e carnefici si impiegano
    metafore, mentre per descrivere/mimare episodi di violenza si impiegano strategie iconiche
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)29-48
    Number of pages20
    JournalAnalisi Linguistica e Letteraria
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2020

    Bibliographical note

    Publisher Copyright:
    © 2020 EDUCatt. All rights reserved.


    • Corpus linguistics
    • Journalistic language
    • Multimodal analysis
    • Structural Topic Model
    • Television language


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