A multivariate examination of the relationship between strategic planning and organisational performance

  • J.M. Rudd

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


Strategic planning and more specifically, the impact of strategic planning on organisational performance has been the subject of significant academic interest since the early 1970's. However, despite the significant amount of previous work examining the relationship between strategic planning and organisational performance, a comprehensive literature review identified a number of areas where contributions to the domain of study could be made. In overview, the main areas for further study identified from the literature review were a) a further examination of both the dimensionality and conceptualisation of strategic planning and organisational performance and b) a further, multivariate, examination of the relationship between strategic planning and performance, to capture the newly identified dimensionality. In addition to the previously identified strategic planning and organisational
performance constructs, a comprehensive literature based assessment was undertaken
and five main areas were identified for further examination, these were a) organisational
b) comprehensive strategic choice, c) the quality of strategic options
generated, d) political behavior and e) implementation success. From this, a conceptual
model incorporating a set of hypotheses to be tested was formulated. In order to test the
conceptual model specified and also the stated hypotheses, data gathering was undertaken. The quantitative phase of the research involved a mail survey of senior managers in medium to large UK based organisations, of which a total of 366 fully useable responses were received. Following rigorous individual construct validity and reliability testing, the complete conceptual model was tested using latent variable path analysis. The results for the individual hypotheses and also the complete conceptual model were most encouraging. The findings, theoretical and managerial implications, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.
Date of Award2005
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University


  • strategic planning
  • organisational performance

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