6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Abul Kalam Hossain with the persons below:
Dr Kemal Masera
- Mechanical, Biomedical & Design Engineering - Visiting Lecturer
Person: Visiting Scholar
Clara Serrano
- Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI) - Senior Engineer. EBRI Plant Manager
Ahmed Rezk
- Aston University
- Mechanical, Biomedical & Design Engineering - Senior Lecturer
- Aston Advanced Materials
- Engineering for Sustainable Development
- College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Jose Ricardo Sodre
- Aston University
- Mechanical, Biomedical & Design Engineering - Aston University
- Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI) - Reader
- College of Engineering and Physical Sciences - Reader
Person: Teaching & Research
Yu Jia
- Mechanical, Biomedical & Design Engineering - Senior Lecturer
- Aston Advanced Materials
- Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing
- College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research