• Aston Triangle

      B4 7ET Birmingham

      United Kingdom

    • School of Engineering and Applied Science, Aston University

      B4 7ET Birmingham

      United Kingdom

    Personal profile

    Research Interests

    My areas of research included electromagnetic diffraction theory, quantum mechanics, theory of tunneling and atomic force microscopes. My present research interests are in optics of microresonators, nanophotonics, microfluidics, quantum compiting and networking.


    I graduated from the Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia, and have Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees from the same University. I worked at the Physics Department of Saint-Petersburg University of Telecommunications (Russia) till 1995 when I joined Bell Laboratories (USA). In 2001, I continued my research at OFS Labs after transition of the Optical Fiber Research Department of Bell Labs into the OFS Labs of the Furukawa Electric Company. I joined the Aston Institute for Photonics Technologies at the end of 2013.

    Membership of Professional Bodies

    Optical Society of America, Fellow.

    Royal Society, Reseacrh Fellow 2014-2019 (Wolfson Research Merit Award)

    IEEE, Senior Member

    Higher Eduaction Academy, Fellow

    Professional/editorial offices

    Member of the Editorial Board:

    Optics Letters (OSA), 2010-2016

    Photonics (MDPI), 2012-present

    Optica (OSA) 2019-present

    Teaching Activity

    Quantum Mechanics (AP2QUM)

    PhD Supervision

    Three current PhD students

    Funding Applications and Awards

    PI: Surface Nanoscale Axial Photonics (Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award), £40K, 2014-2019

    Co-PI: Solitons and frequency combs in microresonators (Horizon 2020, H2020-EU.1.3.3, 691011),£22K, 2016-2019

    PI: Surface Nanoscale Axial Photonics (EPSRC), £916K, 2017-2022

    PI: Quantum SNAP (US Army Research Laboratory), £145K, 2017-2018 

    CO-PI: European Industrial Doctorate project MOCCA, €301K, 2019-2023 

    PI: Picometre Surface Nanoscale Axial Photonics (EPSRC), £1.167K, 2024-2028



    • Developed new approach for the description of single photons interacting with atoms in optical microcavities (2019)
    • Demonstrated thermally tunable SNAP microresonators (2018)
    • Demonstrated the full localization of light in an optical capillary by a droplet (2017).
    • Demonstrated better than 0.2 angstrom precision in fabrication of SNAP structures (2016).
    • Demonstrated subangstrom-precise fabrication of SNAP structures with a femtosecond laser (2016).
    • Proposed an ultralow loss miniature optical buffer (2015).
    • Proposed slow light microfluidics (2014).
    • Invented and demonstrated a fundamentally new type of slow light delay line with breakthrough performance (2013).
    • Invented SNAP (Surface Nanoscale Axial Photonics), a platform for fabrication of miniature silica photonic circuits by nanoscale variation of the optical fiber radius, which exhibits two orders of magnitude greater fabrication precision and two orders of magnitude smaller attenuation of light than in previously developed photonic technologies (2011, 2012).
    • Developed the theory of tunneling from optical nanofibers and explained the nature of transmission losses in nanofibers (2006).
    • Discovered and experimentally demonstrated the fundamental limit of the optical waveguide width (2006, 2007).
    • Invented and demonstrated an optical microcoil resonator (2004, 2007).
    • Demonstrated a silica microbubble resonator with a micron wall thickness (2010).
    • Invented an optical bottle resonator and demonstrated fabrication of bottle resonators with angstrom precision (2004, 2011).
    • Over 50 invited talks at international conferences; 1 book, 4 book chapters, 2 edited journal issues, more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals, and more than 25 patents.
    • Topical Editor of International Journals, Committee Chair, Workshop Organizer, and Committee Member at several international conferences.
    • Fellow, Optical Society of America; Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award Holder.

    Contact Details

    Phone number: 0121 204 3137
    Email: [email protected]
    Room number: NW611

    Education/Academic qualification

    PhD, Mechanics of gases and plasma, St. Petersburg State University

    1 Sept 197530 Jun 1979

    Award Date: 30 Jun 1979


    • TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
    • Nanophotonics, quantum computing, optical microdevices
    • QC Physics
    • Photonics, Mechanics, Electromagnetics


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