Exergoeconomic Model of a PEM Fuel Cell

Jose Ricardo Sodre, Abdelnasir Omran

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication


This paper presents an exergoeconomic model of a proton-exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stack. The model was calibrated using data from experiments performed in a 1.2 kW PEM fuel cell with varying load, operated at steady state. The exergy analysis was performed with fuel cell operation in the air stoichiometry range between 2 to 4. The results showed the system exergy efficiency varied from 26% to 39%, while the energy efficiency ranged between 37% and 56%. This range is slightly above the fuel cell data sheet from the
manufacturer, which declares a rated energy efficiency of 48%. High pressure, temperature and cell voltage give better exergy efficiency. Variation of system temperature showed no significant impact on the exergy cost, as the PEM fuel cell operates at relatively low temperature in its load range not exceeding 174qC. The exergy cost of the system can be improved by adopting any combination of higher operating pressure, inlet air stoichiometry or cell voltage, which demonstrates a significant improvement in the exergy cost. By reducing
the hydrogen cost from 6.7 $/kg to 1.9 $/kg, a 15 $/GJ decrease in exergy cost can be achieved.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2023)
Number of pages12
ISBN (Electronic)9781713874928
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Duration: 25 Jun 202330 Jun 2023


Conference36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems
Abbreviated titleECOS 23


  • Exergoeconomic Analysis
  • Fuel Cells
  • Hydrogen
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Numerical Simulation


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