Team reflexivity

Michael A. West, Claudia Sacramento

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputEntry for encyclopedia/dictionary


With the increasing relevance of teamwork in organizations, the quest for the factors that enhance team effectiveness has grown exponentially. Team reflexivity is one of the factors that has been identified as a possible key variable in explaining the effectiveness of work teams. Team reflexivity can be defined as the extent to which team members collectively reflect on the team's objectives, strategies, and processes, as well as their wider organizations and environments, and adapt accordingly. The concept of team reflexivity was initially developed by Michael West, but other scholars, such as Michaela Schippers and Carsten de Dreu, have also contributed significantly to its understanding. It is conceptualized as a process involving three stages or components: reflection , planning , and action or adaptation. The three stages are of equal importance. The first stage, team reflection , refers to a team's joint exploration of work-related issues and includes behaviors such as ...
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEncyclopedia of group processes and intergroup relations
EditorsJohn M. Levine, Michael A. Hogg
Place of PublicationThousand Oaks, CA (US)
Number of pages3
ISBN (Print)978-1-4129-4208-9
Publication statusPublished - 8 Apr 2010


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