The work-to-home crossover of leadership role occupancy: Examining how leadership role occupancy influences spouses’ sleep loss and obesity.

Shen-Yang Lin, Wendong Li, Giles Hirst

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Drawing on resource-based theories of self-regulation and the spillover–crossover model, we investigated not only how leadership role occupancy may affect job occupants’ obesity but also how its influences may crossover to shape their spouses’ obesity. Adopting a programmatic approach with three-panel data sets from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, we found that leadership role occupancy was positively related to job demands, which in turn was positively related to job occupants’ loss of sleep and obesity. Moreover, the spillover–crossover influences of job demands were also revealed: incumbents’ job demands were also positively associated with spouses’ loss of sleep and obesity. Our research enriches the leadership research by offering a new spillover–crossover perspective to the consequences of leadership role occupancy and contributes to work–family research by highlighting the importance of holding a leadership position as an antecedent of the crossover effect of job demands on health outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Stress Management
Early online date14 Sept 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 14 Sept 2023

Bibliographical note

Copyright © 2023 American Psychological Association. This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. It is not the copy of record.


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