Understanding manufacturing companies' environmental decision making structures

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputChapter


This paper provides an understanding of the current environmental decision structures within companies in the manufacturing sector. Through case study research, we explored the complexity, robustness and decision making processes companies were using in order to cope with ever increasing environmental pressures and choice of environmental technologies. Our research included organisations in UK, Thailand, and Germany. Our research strategy was case study composed of different research methods, namely: focus group, interviews and environmental report analysis. The research methods and their data collection instruments also varied according to the access we had. Our unity of analysis was decision making teams and the scope of our investigation included product development, environment & safety, manufacturing, and supply chain management. This study finds that environmental decision making have been gaining importance over the time as well as complexity when it is starting to move from manufacturing to non,manufacturing activities. Most companies do not have a formal structure to take environmental decisions; hence, they follow a similar path of other corporate decisions, being affected by organizational structures besides the technical competence of the teams. We believe our results will help improving structures in both beginners and leaders teams for environmental decision making across the different departments.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIAMOT 2010 : 19th international confereccne for the International Association of Management of Technology : March 8-11, 2010 Cairo Marriott Hotel, Cairo, Egypt
Subtitle of host publicationconference proceedings
EditorsYasser Hosni
PublisherIndustry Committee of the International Association for Management of Technology
Number of pages18
ISBN (Print)0-98158-173-0, 978-0-98158-173-6
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Event19th International Conference on Management of Technology - Giza, Egypt
Duration: 8 Mar 201011 Mar 2010


Conference19th International Conference on Management of Technology
Abbreviated titleIAMOT 2010
OtherEntitled “Technology as the Foundation for Economic Growth

Bibliographical note

IAMOT conference is the source where it was published.


  • environmental decision making
  • environmental strategy
  • green operations management


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