Cultivating Students' Digital Literacy

Soumyadeb Chowdhury, Oscar Rodríguez-Espindola, Ahmad Beltagui, Pavel Albores-Barajas

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputChapter


Digital literacy is vital for business students, but cultivating it is difficult when technical tasks such as computer programming are viewed as insurmountable challenges. In this chapter, we argue that teaching technical skills to students should begin with teaching them how to think. We outline an approach to design thinking, which entails framing problems from the perspective of users (or customers), envisioning possible solutions by creatively developing, then iteratively testing, ideas, before finally implementing. This process encourages students to view problems systematically, to view their designs as models or simulations of reality and to overcome a natural fear of failure in order to solve problems. Subsequently, students are more prepared for learning the technical skills they require to put the solutions they develop into practice. We outline a set of activities and some teaching tips to support design thinking for business students.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLearning and Teaching in Higher Education
Subtitle of host publicationPerspectives from a Business School
PublisherEdward Elgar
Number of pages11
ISBN (Electronic)9781788975087
ISBN (Print)9781788975070
Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2019


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