Experience-Dominant Logic: Laying the Groundwork for an Experience-Dominant View of Firm Practices in the Marketplace

Dongmei Zha, Pantea Foroudi, Reza Marvi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


PURPOSE: This paper aims to introduce the experience-dominant (Ex-D) logic model, that synthesizes the creation, perceptions, and outcomes of Ex-D logic. It is designed to offer valuable insights for strategic managerial applications and future research directions.

DESIGN: Employing a qualitative approach by using 8 selected product launch events from reviewed 100 event videos and 55 in-depth interviews with industrial managers to develop an Ex-D logic model, and data were coded and analysed via NVivo.

FINDINGS: Results show that the firm’s Ex-D logic is operationalized as the mentalizing of the three types of customer needs (service competence, hedonic excitations, and meaning making), the materializing of three types of customer experiences and customer journeys (service experience, hedonic experience, and brand experience), and the moderating of three types of
customer values (service values, hedonic values, and brand values).

RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS: This study has implications for adding new insights into existing theory on dominant logic and customer experience management, and also offers actionable recommendations for managerial applications.

ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This study sheds light on the importance of Ex-D logic from a strategic point of view and provides an organic view of the firm. It distinguishes firm perspective from customer perspective, firm experience from customer experience, and firm journey from consumer journey.
Original languageEnglish
JournalQualitative Market Research
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 3 Apr 2024

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