Top-cited articles reflect high impact of JMTP across many disciplines, not just marketing

Andrew Farrell, Joe F. Hair, Michael J. Polonsky

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


It is with pleasure that we introduce the Top 20 cited articles in the last decade of Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (JMTP), and announce their free availability to the viewing public. With this special issue, we celebrate the wide-ranging impact and influence of one of marketing’s younger journals, with JMTP a spritely 24 years old. In terms of overall impact factors, taken from 2014 figures on Scopus, JMTP (1.467) ranks fourth among the broad-scope marketing journals. Ahead of JMTP are Journal of Marketing (7.332), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (3.769) and International Journal of Research in Marketing (2.434), while Journal of Business Research (1.183) and European Journal of Marketing (0.940) are just below.
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
Publication statusPublished - 13 Apr 2016


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