Student theses
- 50 - 100 out of 2,355 results
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Advanced decoding technics for law density parity check codes decoding
Allaoui, Y. (Author), 2004Student thesis: Master's Thesis › Master of Science (by Research)
Advanced digital signal processing for coherent optical OFDM transmissions
Le, S. T. (Author), Turitsyn, S. K. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advanced FBG fabrication for challenging applications
Walters, S. (Author), Turitsyna, E. (Supervisor) & Williams, J. A. R. (Supervisor), 11 Mar 2019Student thesis: Master's Thesis › Master of Philosophy
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Advanced Fibre Bragg Grating fabrication systems and devices
Gillooly, A. M. (Author), 2005Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advanced fibre Bragg gratings: design and applications
Turitsyna, E. (Author), 2007Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advanced fibre gratings and their applications
Liu, Y. (Author), Bennion, I. (Supervisor), 2001Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advanced fibre gratings fabricated in standard and infrared glass fibres by ultraviolet and near-infrared-femtosecond lasers
Suo, R. (Author), Zhang, L. (Supervisor), Sept 2009Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advanced fibre gratings in near- and mid-infrared region and their applications for structure monitoring and biosensing
Sahoo, N. (Author), Zhou, K. (Supervisor), Zhang, L. (Supervisor) & Webb, D. (Supervisor), Nov 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advanced handover procedure for cellular communication systems
Ali, A. H. (Author), Brewster, R. L. (Supervisor), Oct 1998Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advanced liquid-liquid extraction : studies in a laboratory mixer-settler
Salem, A.-B. S. H. (Author), Jeffreys, G. V. (Supervisor), 1975Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advanced Optical Fibre Gratings and Applications
Chen, X. F. (Author), 2006Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Advanced optical fibre gratings for nano-structural characterisation and biosensing applications
Badmos, A. (Author), Zhang, L. (Supervisor) & Zhou, K. (Supervisor), 7 Mar 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advanced raman amplification techniques for high capacity and broadband coherent optical transmission systems
Iqbal, M. A. (Author), Harper, P. (Supervisor) & Forysiak, W. (Supervisor), 5 Jun 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advanced techniques for the improvement of optical transmission systems
Murray, N. (Author), Harper, P. (Supervisor), 13 May 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advanced tilted fiber gratings and their applications
Yan, Z. (Author), Zhang, L. (Supervisor), 30 Oct 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advanced UV inscribed fibre grating structures and applications in optical sensing and laser systems
Saffari, P. (Author), Zhang, L. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advances in characterisation, calibration and data processing speed of optical coherence tomography systems
Rasakanthan, J. (Author), Sugden, C. A. (Supervisor) & Webb, D. J. (Supervisor), 21 Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advances in femtosecond micromachining and inscription of micro and nano photonic devices
Smith, G. (Author), Sugden, C. A. (Supervisor) & Bennion, I. (Supervisor), Oct 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advances in UV-written fibre Bragg gratings
Everall, L. A. (Author), Bennion, I. (Supervisor), 1998Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Advances towards a pressurised rotating fluidised bed combustor
Oskam, G. W. (Author), Howard, J. R. (Supervisor), 1983Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Aerosols and alternatives
Roberts, J. M. C. (Author), 1983Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
A failure criterion for fillet welds
Higgs, J. D. (Author), Martin, L. H. (Supervisor), Jan 1981Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A Finite-Element Method for the Solution of Turbine-Generation End-Zone Fields
Preston, T. W. (Author), Sept 1974Student thesis: Master's Thesis › Master of Philosophy
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A Forced Air Convection Method for Non-contact Temperature Measurement of Surfaces
Fothergill, I. R. (Author), May 1974Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A fundamental study of surface protection by powder coating
Gökemre, B. (Author), 1979Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Agent Based Models of Competition and Collaboration
Goldingay, H. J. (Author), Van Mourik, J. (Supervisor), Mar 2010Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Agent-orientated auction mechanism and strategy design
Chang, M. (Author), He, M. (Supervisor), 31 Jan 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A heat metering system for energy management on an industrial site
Roberts, M. (Author), Beaumont, G. (Supervisor), 1985Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Air-Gap Wound Alternators for Large-Scale Power Generation
Spooner, E. (Author), 1972Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Air Photo Interpretation for the Measurement of Changes in Urban Land Use
Emmott, C. (Author), 1979Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A knowledge-based system for process planning in a seamless steel tube plant
Siddique, M. (Author), Cole, I. M. (Supervisor), Oct 1990Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Albumin in tears
Runstrom, G. (Author), Tighe, B. J. (Supervisor) & Topham, P. D. (Supervisor), 9 Jun 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Alcohols and other oxygenates in automotive fuels
Gribble, N. R. (Author), Temple, B. G. (Supervisor), May 1987Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Algorithms for solving large random graphs
Fortunes, Y. (Author), 2004Student thesis: Master's Thesis › Master of Science (by Research)
Alignment-Free Probabilistic Proteomics: Patterns to Functionality
Grela, E. (Author), Chattopadhyay, A. (Supervisor), Flower, D. R. (Supervisor), Stich, M. (Supervisor) & Neirotti, J. (Supervisor), Dec 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Aliphatic amines: a study of their spectrochemical series and of some of their reactions with anhydrous metal halides
Kilmartin, J. F. (Author), Downs, A. (Supervisor), 1973Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Aliphatic nitroxyl radicals as antifatigue agents for rubbers
Nethsinghe, L. P. (Author), 1982Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
All optical networking beyond 10 Gbits/s OTDM networks based on electro-optic modulators and fibre ring lasers
Ellis, A. (Author), Apr 1997Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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All-optical processing using cross-phase modulation
Harrison, J. A. (Author), Blow, K. J. (Supervisor), Oct 2005Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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All-optical regenerative memory using a single device
Johnson, N. C. (Author), Blow, K. J. (Supervisor), Oct 2009Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A longitudinal study of the diffusion of the ISO/IEC information resource dictionary system standard (IRDS.)
Byrne, B. M. (Author), Golder, P. A. (Supervisor), Sept 2001Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A low-cost remote sensing system for agricultural applications
Rambat, S. (Author), Elgy, J. (Supervisor), 9 Jan 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Alternative Coatings for Reed Switches
Lodge, K. J. (Author), Sept 1975Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A mathematical model of coal-fired fluidised bed boilers
Marks, W. L. (Author), Healey, E. M. (Supervisor), Apr 1973Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Ambulatory ECG ST segment analysis for detection of ischemia
Kamiya, K. (Author), 2004Student thesis: Master's Thesis › Master of Science (by Research)
A mechanistic study of esters of thiodipropionic acid as antioxidants
Armstrong, C. (Author), Scott, G. (Supervisor), 1971Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A methodology, using aerial photographs, for mapping urban land-use in Nigeria
Esin, E. U. (Author), 1981Student thesis: Master's Thesis › Master of Philosophy
A methodology for analysis and control of discrete event dynamic systems
Azzopardi, D. (Author), Holding, D. J. (Supervisor), Aug 1996Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A methodology for evaluating and selecting processes for natural gas conditioning
Nazir, P. A. (Author), May 1997Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A methodology for the generation and evaluation of biorefinery process chains, in order to identify the most promising biorefineries for the EU
Chong, K. J. (Author), Feb 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy